What is Pulsed Radiofrequency?
It is a therapy that uses bursts of high-frequency electric current which is produced by the radio waves using a radiofrequency machine. It modulates or changes how the nerve functions.
Why do I need Pulsed Radiofrequency treatment?
It is undertaken when the Dorsal Root Ganglion block /Nerve Root block or Peripheral Nerve blocks have provided significant pain relief for a short duration. The main purpose is to provide a prolonged period of pain relief.
What will happen to me during the treatment?
The injections are performed under x-ray guidance in the theatres by the Pain Management Consultant. A local anaesthetic will be used to numb the skin before the needle is inserted.
The doctor will ask you questions during the procedure to make sure the needles are in the right place to avoid complications.
How long will the procedure take?
The procedure usually takes between 20 – 30 minutes however you will be expected to arrive 30 minutes before for consent and ward check.
What are the risks involved?
Failure – may not work well
Worsening of pain before it gets better
Pain and bruising at the site of injection
Worse headache
Infection is rare
Leg or Arm weakness is a rare complication
What happens after the procedure?
You will be moved to the recovery area where the nurse will check your heart rate and blood pressure, followed by transfer to the ward. Your Pain Management Consultant will perform an initial assessment to ascertain the effectiveness and review you before discharge.
Will there be a follow-up appointment after the injection?
Yes, your Pain Management Consultant will follow up in 6 – 8 weeks in the Pain clinic to ascertain the effectiveness of the treatment and discuss further management.
Is there a follow-up appointment after the treatment?
Yes, your Pain Management Consultant will follow up in 6 – 8 weeks in the Pain clinic to ascertain the effectiveness of the treatment and discuss further management.